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Approximately 1 in 4 people in New Zealand will be affected by an anxiety disorder at some stage in their lives.

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Anxiety is a normal human emotion but if it becomes so strong that it interferes with your normal day-to-day life, it is considered to be an anxiety disorder. Approximately 1 in 4 people in New Zealand will be affected by an anxiety disorder at some stage in their lives and at any one time, 15% of the population will be affected.

Anxiety disorders range from generalised anxiety disorder through to panic disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobias and social anxiety disorder, and at times it feels like the disorder controls you. 

Whether it’s stress related to business or personal worries, social anxiety, panic disorders or other anxiety disorders, talk to our doctors about an alternative affordable way to manage your worries.

3 Step Process

Are you eligible?

Take a quick moment to see if you’re eligible for a consultation with one of our doctors.


Connect with our doctors who will understand your needs and tailor a treatment plan that’s right for you.


Your medication will be delivered straight to your door, anywhere in New Zealand.

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